Wisdom Tooth Removal: Affordable , Comfortable, Convenient

Exceptional Care at Affordable Prices

While our office employs advanced technologies and a very high level of care, we work hard to maintain low operating expenses. We are able to pass these savings along to our patients by keeping our fees in the lowest 25% for our region based on the 2011 ADA fee survey. 

Please ask us about Care Credit for financing dental treatment.

Discounts are available for oral surgery

Please call today to set up your consultation. (317)825-0845 or email us with any questions: reception@canfielddentalcare.com
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Payment options

Prepaid surgical appointments.
We accept CareCredit!


Options available for no interest!

Comfort During Treatment

Being Kind and Understanding
•Sedation is really about being comfortable.
•It’s much easier to be comfortable when people are being kind and understanding.

Local Anesthetic
•Our philosophy is that a patient is numb when they say they are numb, not when the dentist thinks they ought to be numb.
•You are in control of your procedure. If you say “stop” for any reason, we stop for you.

Nitrous Oxide
•The famous “laughing gas.”
•We offer the “gas for numbing” option. Most people dislike getting shots, and we offer a lower price option to use the nitrous gas just to get you through the numbing, which many people like.

Pill Sedation
•This works great to create a relaxed, pleasant feeling throughout a procedure.
•This works Really great when we combine it with nitrous oxide, which is a popular alternative to IV sedation.

IV sedation
•Offers the greatest control for in office anxiety and fear.
•Erases memory more than nitrous oxide or pill sedation.
•This is good for many, but it’s not for everyone. A detailed medical review is performed in-office to protect your safety.

When you come in for your consult we will discuss the best sedation option for you.

Comfort During Healing

We have enhanced all of our wisdom tooth procedures based on the most up to date research to make them as safe and comfortable as possible. We use antibiotics and antibiotic rinses to prevent dry socket, which is a painful condition that can start 2 days after extractions.i ii However, we have achieved outstanding results with a technique using platelet rich plasma (prp) and platelet rich fibrin (prf).iii iv These techniques have been shown to dramatically reduce dry socket. Prp and prf are safe because they are concentrates made from your own blood, at no extra fee, in the dental office. They are applied to the extraction area where they enhance healing.

i Primary and Secondary Closure of the Surgical Wound After Removal of Impacted Third Molars. Khanda K, et al. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 2011, June 10(2):112-7.

ii Clinical Concepts of Dry Socket. Camila Lopes Cardoso, DDS, MSc, et al. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 68: 1922-1932, 2010.
iii Prevention of Localized Osteitis in Mandibular Third-Molar Sites Using Platelet Rich Fibrin. Hoaglan, D; Lines G. International Journal of Dentistry. Vol 2013, Article ID 875380, 4 pages. http://dx.doi.org/101155/2013/875380
iv Inhibition of Alveoloar Osteitis in Mandibular Tooth Extraction Sites Using Platelet-Rich Plasma. Rutkowski, J; Fennel, J. Journal of Oral Implantology. Vol XXXIII, No. Three, 2007.